Optimal Training for Optimal Results

An introductory

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An introductory

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An introductory

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An introductory

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An introductory

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Meet Jairzinho "BIGI BOI" Rozenstruik


The program you will be following is the exact program we created for Jairzinho leading up to his fight with Overeem. This program is 8 weeks long and relative to your strength and conditioning. With a focus on muscle endurance early on we then transition to power closer to the fight. Each week has 4 conditioning workouts done on a concept2 rower. The most complete conditioning tool on the market. It combines aerobic capacity, full-body strength, and low impact on your joints to create a perfect storm of stamina and cardiovascular conditioning. 

Each week also includes the secret to optimal performance RECOVERY. Overlooked by most MMA and strength and conditioning coaches recovery is essential to OPTIMAL performance. You will combine long slow cardio, flexibility, mobility, and breathwork to keep your body and nervous system fresh. This allows you to be at your best during training and helps you sleep better. With this combination of training and recovery, you will find a balance in training that lays the groundwork for OPTIMAL performance when it matters most. 

Remote Coaching

There’s something special about the first day you open up your very own program. At first glance, it might look like any other workout you’ve done before, but it represents so much more. Every movement, from warmup to strength to conditioning, is there to get you further toward your goals and support your individual needs. As you check off each piece and record your results, your coach is learning more and more how you move, think, and feel, ready to respond to make your program even more satisfying, more fun, and more effective than anything you’ve done before.

If you’ve done group fitness or tried training solo and feel like you’re floundering, you’re not alone. That “something’s missing” feeling could look like burnout, boredom, not looking the way you want to, or a strength plateau. You may also be dealing with nagging injuries or particular weaknesses that make you dread certain movements. And no one ever asked you what you eat on a regular basis, or how your sleep, stress, hydration, and digestion are doing.

You don’t have to be a pro to have your own coach. Our athletes range from those who compete or train for a MMA and BJJ to those who just want to have energy and vitality for being with their families and enjoying life. Your program could involve training and testing your aerobic capacity at a variety of paces along with muscle endurance with a side of barbell complexes created with combat sports in mind. Or it could involve a long walk in the sun, and hitting your hydration goal for the day – it all depends on what matters to you and what will move you forward.


• Take the uncertainty out of your programming by knowing exactly where you’re headed and what to do next

• Be held accountable by your coach, who will also motivate you and cheer you on 

• Get nutritional guidance as well as support for sleep, stress, and overall health and well-being

• Feel seen and understood as your coach reviews your results and checks in with you regularly

• Enjoy an engaging, challenging program created just for you!




We start with a free consultation to learn about your background and set a foundation of trust, honesty, and authenticity for the coaching relationship What are your goals, motivations, and deep driving forces? This conversation uncovers what will keep you loving your training for years to come. Your lifestyle, nutrition, sleep and stress habits: we want to understand these fully, because training doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We’ll also cover any past injuries or current limitations. We’ll talk about expectations of you and your coach, and map out what your future fitness journey could look like. All your questions will be answered – we are here to support you.


Remote clients will be put through an assessment period for 1-3 weeks to learn about your unique movement patterns, your strengths, and what you can improve. Clients find this a highly educational and beneficial part of the process, and our coaches also enjoy getting to know you during this in-depth experience. We’ll gather the data that goes into creating a fully customized program just for you, and your coach will be available for any questions that come up.


Your coach will provide your weekly program via trucoach, which will have all your exercises, demo videos, and places to record your results and write down notes or questions – you’ll always know exactly what to do. Your coach will also review your weekly results and videos and adjust your program accordingly – your program evolves with you. Every month, you’ll have a 30 minute consultation with your coach via Zoom (video conference) to review progress and videos, look at food journals, assess goals, and discuss ongoing expectations.